20 Scrap-Metal Yard Safety Programs

There was a scream and immediately I knew something went wildly wrong. It just took a second and a foot was smashed between two forklift tires. The tragedy, while did not take a life, was painfully lived for years. The loss of a limb, mobility and a career....

Why wear high visibility clothing

Why wear high visibilty clothing in industrial work areas? High visibilty allows fork lift operators see you quicker! If you wore clothing that blended in with the background it increases for work related injury. It’s all about creating contrast for the eye....

Top 10 Linemen Safety Rules

Electrocution Falls Confined spaces Fires and explosions Sprains, strains, and fractures Environmental Stress Taking the proper precautions is important when working around high power electrical lines. Wearing proper safety equipment and clothing is a must.  This is...